A recital by a laureate of the 15th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition in 2005 (4th prize). Although the eyes of the Polish audience were then turned towards the winner of the competition, Rafał Blechacz, an undoubted individual of the competition was a Japanese artist with his impressive interpretations of Chopin's most impenetrable compositions – mazurkas.
Takashi Yamamoto graduated with honors from the Music Department of the Toho University in Tokyo. In Poland he continued and finished his studies under prof. Piotr Paleczny at the Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw (today a University). After his success at the Chopin Competition, his career gained momentum. He has performed in many concert halls in Poland, among others, and at the Festival in Duszniki. He is an admirer of Polish culture and has mastered the language of his "second homeland". The phenomenon of the popularity of Chopin's music in Japan was explained by Takashi Yamamoto at one of the talks, within the framework of the pianist forum "Bieszczady without borders", where he confessed that "Poles and Japanese have a similar soul."
Mikołaj Rykowski PhD
Musicologist and clarinetist, doctorate, and associate at the Department Music Theory at the Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań. Author of a book and numerous articles devoted to the phenomenon of Harmoniemusik – the 18th-century practice of brass bands. Co-author of the scripts "Speaking concerts" and author of the spoken introductions to philharmonic concerts in Szczecin, Poznań, Bydgoszcz and Łódź.
Exhibition available during event:
VI Międzynarodowe Biennale Plakatu Społeczno-Politycznego“Dwanaście uniwersalnych wartości:
nadzieja, tolerancja, szacunek, wolność, przełamywanie barier, spotkanie, odpowiedzialność, sprawiedliwość, porozumienie, solidarność, dialog, równość, które określiły nasze działania, jako drogowskazy wpisuję się w idee Biennale i stanowią linię przewodnią i motywację dla naszych dalszych działań”. Za słowami
Leszka Szustera – dyrektora Międzynarodowego Domu Spotkań Młodzieży i
Pawła Warchoła – kuratora wystawy, podpisało się kilkuset artystów z 27 krajów, tworząc
594 plakatów. Dzieła te stanowią graficzny odzew na współczesną rzeczywistość.