MUSIC. DESIGN. FORM Festival behind the scenes video

During the 4th edition of the MUSIC. DESIGN. FORM Festival, on September 22-26, 2021, Szczecin became the capital of minimalism.

Across a myriad of events – concerts, performances, exhibitions, conferences – artists and makers tried to express the maximum content through a minimal form. M.M.M. Trainees falso had their fair share in the preparation of the events!

This film by Kinomotiv allows you to take a sneak peak behind the scenes during the MDF Festival and experience this amazing adventure again!
film: Kinomotiv

  • fragmenty performance'u kompozytorsiego Pawał Mykietyna
  • fragmenty koncertu "ÉxQuartet & Patryk Matwiejczuk"
  • fragmenty koncertu "PÄRT | SIKORSKI | ADAMS | NYMAN"